Saturday, October 6, 2012

DIY: Halloween Countdown Blocks

Aren't I CREATIVE?! 

Just kidding. I didn't make this up. I found it on Pinterest, and here's the link to the person who was actually creative enough to think this up: Here.

But, it was pretty easy and really fun! The person whose instructions I followed actually bought blocks and made her own base piece. I, however, got lucky, and found a set of Christmas countdown blocks at Hobby Lobby to  paint/cover/transform into Halloween blocks. (Tarnishing cute Christmas blocks and making them into spooky Halloween ones - I think Jack Skellington would be proud.)

I digress. 

Here's how I did it.

  1. Paint the blocks black, and the base orange. I used cheapo acrylic paint.
  2. Using construction paper or Halloween-themed scrapbooking paper, cut out 12 squares. (Measure a side of the block to determine the size.)
  3. Cut out numbers using black construction paper. For the first block, you'll need: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. For the second block, you'll need: 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7. (Important: Make sure the 6 also looks like a 9 when turned upside down.) 
  4. Glue the numbers to the squares of paper.
  5. Mod Podge the squares of paper onto the blocks. 
  6. Use letter stickers to spell out "Halloween Countdown" on the base, seal with Mod Podge.
Tah dah! And now you're ready to countdown to the world's best holiday.

Love, candy corn, and cauldrons,

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