Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Reflecting on Freshman Year

(Reflecting. Haha. Get it?!)

So, tomorrow is my last day at IU as a freshman. 

And it feels. So. Weird.

At times, this year seemed like it would never end. First semester in particular was...tough. Moving away from all I've ever known, starting over socially and academically, and getting used to the giant mass of people at this school...was a lot. I remember coming into IU with the intent of majoring in Journalism with a minor or double major in Theatre. Feeling certain I would be in a choir and hoping to get involved in some shows, as well. Ending up as an Elementary Ed major, who didn't even make it into choir first semester and never got into theatre at all. 

I went pot-luck with my roommate, which didn't end so great. (She, for whatever reason, hated me enough to move out at the end of the semester. Without telling me.) But that turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because that left a spot for my friend Brittany to move in. And Brittany soon became the best roommate ever, and now I can't imagine life at IU without her friendship! <3 :)

(Ahhhwww. I miss my roomie already.)

Getting rejected from choir was easily one of the most devastating experiences of my life. (And I know, if that's the worst thing that's ever happened to me, I'm a pretty lucky girl.) The one talent I felt sure of in a time of change and uncertainty failed me. I was really alone and really sad. And a lack of extracurriculars or clubs left me a little socially isolated. Thank God I made it in second semester, because I don't know what I'd do without SH. It's been so great to feel like a part of something and be surrounded by friendly people at rehearsal every day. I really hope the new director chooses to keep everyone in the group. It'd be absolutely awful to lose something that's quickly become very special to me.

(Singing Hoosiers banquet!)

I also really missed the comfort of home and my wonderful family. And Josh's family, too. And definitely my cat :((((
I'm so glad I went to school close to home so I can frequently come home for the weekend. Next year with a car, it will be even easier, which is great! I honestly prefer being taken care of and comfortable at home to having the freedom that comes with living in a dorm. I'll take my full-size bed and clean bathroom over a top-bunk twin and shower shoes any day. But I've gotten acclimated to it. And, dare I say, I may miss this room a little bit.

(How could I not miss this cutie??)

But, there have definitely been some great moments this year. Decorating every inch of my dorm room for each and every holiday (hand turkeys, pumpkins, Christmas lights, heart-shaped doilies...you get the picture). Creating chalk art all around my dorm and getting compliments. Someone actually took a photo of me one time...still not sure about that. Meeting a bunch of cool kids from Teter, SH, and my classes. Going to shows, movies, and get-togethers. Getting some great grades and really enjoying (most of) my classes. Discovering my passion for teaching. Rekindling my passion for singing by performing in the SH spring concert and Coffeehouse. Discovering a little bit of freedom. Getting even closer to my amazing Josh, who was there for me through every sad time, happy time, exciting, exhausting, difficult, and wonderful time. It was a hard year overall, but there were a lot of laughs, hugs, and smiles, as well.

(Jellen :))

All in all, I guess this year wasn't half-bad. I'm so excited for the summer ahead of me, and beyond that, SOPHOMORE YEAR! Gosh, I am old. Ha.

One more final tomorrow evening, and I'm on the road for home. Wish me luck!
:) -et.

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